Benefits from a Night Guard to Prevent Teeth Grinding
If your dentist has diagnosed you with bruxism, it means that you habitually clench your teeth. This usually takes place unconsciously as people sleep.
Bruxism may not sound like a serious problem, but it can cause chronic jaw, ear, and face pain in addition to poor sleep quality and erosion of tooth enamel. The latter problem puts you at a higher risk of tooth decay and cavities. Frequent grinding of your teeth can also cause headaches, broken teeth, chipped teeth, and even loss of teeth.
Many people assume that stress is the cause of bruxism, but this isn’t always true. Other lifestyle factors, such as poor sleep and exercise habits, can also play a role. Improper alignment of the teeth is yet another potential cause. If you are suffering from bruxism, it’s important to schedule an appointment with your dentist as soon as possible.
Night Guards as a Treatment for Bruxism
Dentists typically prefer to use the most non-invasive and conservative treatment method for this condition. When you come in for an appointment, your dentist will take an impression of your teeth and forward it to a dental laboratory for processing.
A technician creates a customized nightguard that fits the shape of your mouth perfectly. Nightguards are made from soft material and fit directly over the top and bottom rows of your teeth. Your night guard prevents you from grinding your teeth if you wear it consistently.
Lifestyle Changes to Treat Bruxism
You can do several things to stop chronic teeth grinding in addition to wearing your prescribed night guard. These include:
- Reduce the stress in your life as much as possible. Let go of the things you can’t control and take the time to engage in relaxing activities and enjoyable hobbies.
- Avoid caffeine, nicotine, and alcohol in the evening hours. These substances are known to make bruxism worse.
- See a sleep specialist if you have difficulty getting regular, restful sleep each night.
- If you sleep with a partner, ask him or her to let you know about any unusual sounds during the night. You should report these to your dentist so he or she can change your treatment program if necessary.
Lastly, be sure to keep your bi-annual preventive care appointments. This allows your dentist to detect signs of bruxism and have a customized nightguard made for you to treat it.

Let’s discuss a mouth guard to prevent teeth grinding
Dr. Paul Feldman at Suburban Essex Dental located in West Orange, NJ is ready to help you. We have been treating bruxism by providing mouth guards for a very long time. For over three decades we continue to grow. We constantly keep up with all technical advances as well as continue to grow our happy and completely satisfied patient list. Feel free to contact us.