Loose Dentures: What To Do & How To Fix
Loose Dentures: What To Do & How To Fix

Guide to Loose Dentures

Almost 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth, while over 36 million have no teeth at all. Unfortunately, these numbers are expected to increase over the next 20 years.

Losing teeth can be devastating. Thankfully, solutions such as dentures can help you smile with confidence. However, this positivity can be short-lived if they’re loose or uncomfortable.

How do I stop my dentures from moving? If you’ve found yourself asking this, you might also wonder why it’s happening. There are many reasons this can occur.

Interested in learning what they are? Read on. You’ll also learn how to tighten loose dentures.

The Process of Getting Dentures

The use of dentures dates back centuries and is now one of many viable solutions for missing teeth. Advancements in technology make the process of getting dentures a lot easier. This allows them to fit more comfortably and look more natural.

A dental visit usually determines if you’re a good candidate for dentures. It involves an oral examination to determine the health of your gums and soft tissue. Next, the dentist will make a mold of your lower gums based on the location of your missing teeth.

Your dentist will discuss other elements of your dentures. This will include their shade, size, and shape.

Additional visits will help to determine the length of the teeth on the dentures. This will ensure your upper and lower jaw align for a perfect bite.

Once you receive the final product, your dentist will have you try it on. At this stage, they usually make adjustments if needed.

Is It Normal for New Dentures to Be Loose?

Loose dentures are more common than you may think. That’s because of natural changes in your body, including your jaw.

Bone loss in your jaw can compromise the strength and shape of your gums. Bone reabsorption is the term used for this natural occurrence. It diminishes the ability of your gums to hold your dentures in place. 

Other reasons your dentures may become loose include:

  • Damage due to chewing hard foods
  • Normal wear and tear
  • Using inappropriate products to clean your dentures

It’s usually hard to ignore the discomfort of ill-fitting dentures. Not getting them fixed promptly can also lead to inflammation and sores. This can increase your risk of developing oral cancer.

How to Tighten Loose Dentures

Have you ever asked, How do I stop my dentures from moving? Or wondered, How can I make my dentures fit tighter? Thankfully there are various solutions for fixing loose dentures.

Changing the denture adhesive you use is one of the more common ones. You’ll need to choose one with a better fill and firmer grip.

If the new adhesive doesn’t help, you’ll need to visit your dentist. They will probably perform a denture reline by adding a layer to the base of your dentures.  

The Right Denture Fit for Greater Comfort

Losing permanent teeth can be traumatic. It can affect your self-esteem and confidence. But tooth loss, although permanent, doesn’t have to impact your smile.

Dentures can be a perfect solution. However, ill-fitting dentures can be uncomfortable and lead to health complications. Knowing how to tighten loose dentures is the key to avoiding this. Find a dentist who will ensure your dentures fit for greater comfort.

Suburban Essex Dental will. We provide a range of dental solutions, including removable dentures. Schedule a virtual consultation today, or contact us here.
