7 Ways to Better Manage Your Tooth Sensitivity
7 Ways to Better Manage Your Tooth Sensitivity

How To Manage Your Tooth Sensitivity

If you’ve ever experienced a shock of pain after a sip of hot coffee or biting into an ice cream cone, you may be living with tooth sensitivity. This uncomfortable condition is caused by thinning of the enamel, resulting in sensitivity to hot, cold, acidic, and sweet foods or drinks. Fortunately, the condition is preventable, and even if you already suffer from sensitivity, there are ways to manage the problem.

Buy a Toothbrush with Softer Bristles

Woman Brushing Her Teeth With Pain, Concept Of Tooth Sensitivity
7 Ways To Better Manage Your Tooth Sensitivity 1

Some people believe the only way to effectively clean the teeth is to brush vigorously with a stiff-bristled brush. In reality, this aggressive brushing may actually cause sensitivity, so a brush with soft bristles is preferred. Coupling this tool with a good brushing technique will prevent dentin exposure and gum recession, which are two major sensitivity culprits.

Avoid Whitening Products

It’s understandable to want a bright, white smile, but some whitening products cause issues with tooth sensitivity. While much of this is temporary, if your teeth are already sensitive, whitening will further exacerbate the problem. If you have sensitive teeth, avoid any at-home whitening kits, and talk to your dentist. Most dental offices have whitening treatments that have been specifically formulated for people with sensitivity issues.

Add a Fluoride Rinse to Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Fluoride is an essential mineral for oral health, as it strengthens the enamel. Sensitivity results when the enamel is weakened, but adding a fluoride rinse into your oral hygiene routine can help. Strengthening the enamel minimizes the effects of sensitivity and may prevent future issues. You’ll notice improvements when you drink or eat especially cold and hot things.

Change Your Diet

Certain foods have been connected to tooth sensitivity, so avoiding them might help with your pain level. Specifically, foods and beverages with high acidity can wear away at the enamel, leaving your teeth vulnerable to sensitivity. Citrus fruits and juices, soda, and coffee are some of the biggest culprits. Until your sensitivity seems to taper off, try and avoid these foods, and then consume them only in moderation.

Use Toothpaste for Sensitive Teeth

Not all toothpaste varieties are created equal, and those that claim to desensitize the teeth may really help with your sensitivity issues. Desensitizing toothpaste with fluoride can ease your discomfort. In addition to brushing, you may also find relief by spreading a small amount on the most sensitive areas of the teeth before bed. This may speed up the results.

Treat Bruxism

Do you have a habit of clenching and grinding your teeth? Whether you do this during the daytime hours or while you are asleep, you may be damaging your teeth. Over time, the action will wear away the enamel, which can lead to sensitivity issues. Fortunately, your dentist may be able to recommend a mouth guard to protect your teeth, which can ultimately provide relief to sensitivity and treat bruxism.

Consider Other Dental Problems

If you continue to struggle with sensitivity despite your efforts to manage the problem, a trip to the dentist may be warranted. Other dental conditions like tooth decay and cracked teeth lead to pain that may be confused for sensitivity. Your dentist can look for the signs of a problem and provide helpful recommendations on how to deal with your discomfort.

Tooth sensitivity can make eating your favorite foods a painful experience. By using these helpful strategies, you can improve your sensitivity and prevent future problems.

Suburban Essex Dental can help you. Contact us today to get started.  Our location is in West Orange, NJ. We provide complete dental services to the surrounding areas and well beyond.
