Why Do I Support Bike MS?
Why do i support bike ms

Support Bike MS


Ride With Us! Become Part of Bike MS

Sunday, October 22, 2017 — 30, 50 and 100 mile ride around Manhattan completely traffic FREE!

Ride, Volunteer, Learn More: Don’t Just Ride, Bike MS


Multiple Sclerosis (MS) can be an extremely debilitating disease with to date many unknown reasons as to how and why an individual will get the disease.


Bike MS helps to drive MS research forward faster and deliver services to those that face the challenge of MS every day. Many people from around the country who ride are living with MS themselves, have a family member who is or are just out to help with the cause. Bike MS brings awareness and brings us closer to freeing the world from this horrible disease. If you are unclear as to what MS is, we have provided a brief description below.


What exactly is MS?


MS is short for Multiple Sclerosis. MS is a disease involving the central nervous system (CNS). The central nervous system is made up of the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. MS involves an immune-mediated process whereas the body’s immune system attacks the central nervous system. In short, the flow of information within the brain and throughout the body is disrupted.


Within the central nervous system, the nerve fibers are surrounded by a fatty substance called “myelin”. When a person is affected with MS the immune system attacks the “myelin” coating around the nerve fibers as well as the nerve fibers themselves. The nerve fibers will become damaged, causing scar tissue. Because of this, the nerve impulses traveling from the brain, spinal cord and to other parts of the body are disrupted producing a wide range of symptoms.


CNS can be both unpredictable and disabling. It is believed the disease is caused by certain environmental factors as well as genetics. Studies have shown that exposure to certain elements in the environment before puberty may have an impact on genetically susceptible people. There is growing evidence that smoking increases a person’s chance of developing MS. On the flip side, Vitamin D is known to boost one’s immune system, therefore, it is believed it helps to protect against MS. While MS is not hereditary, the belief is that a person with a genetic predisposition, such as a family member with MS, when exposed to certain environmental factors has a higher risk of getting the disease.


There are various levels that people with the disease can be affected, from mild to moderate to severe. It is still unclear as to how one will progress with severity and symptoms. There is still so much research that needs to be done to find answers to so many unanswered questions as to how and why?


Become Part of Bike MS

Sunday, October 22, 2017 — 30, 50 and 100 mile ride around Manhattan completely traffic FREE!

Ride, Volunteer, Learn More: Don’t Just Ride, Bike MS


Suburban Essex Dental is proud to be a sponsor under the name of Summit Tennis Club

